The road to Van Eyck, the road to Ghent-Authentic !

For Ghent-Authentic passion and personality is key and the city is our playground and we tend to take the game very seriously ☺ To stay on top of our game, we do a lot of research, especially in winter when the season is slower and colder. 

Doing research at Ghent-Authentic is a team effort that doesn’t have to be boring as the pictures of our recent trip to the Van Eyck exhibition in the Boijmans/Van Beuningen museum in Rotterdam show ☺

“The road to Van Eyck” is a wonderful exhibition and very useful for research on the Van Eyck brothers and their contemporaries. (
After being submersed for a couple of hours in the 14-15th century, we felt empowered, inspired and eager to share our new found insights about the Van Eyck brothers with you.

We had a great time in Rotterdam but we are convinced, maybe now more than ever, that there’s nothing like Ghent when it comes to Van Eyck. The Ghent altarpiece, the ‘Adoration of the Mystic Lamb’, is a unique - never been done before - experience by its size, location, technique and mysticism. What more reasons do you need to come to Ghent ☺

For private tours or visits of the Ghent Altarpiece, contact